Getting High
Hello from Puno, on the shores of Lake Titicaca! I have had a few days at high altitude now, and I give kudos to those athletes that head...
Planes, Buses, and Boats
I am very glad that my body is still on Argentinian time (two hours ahead of Peru) - because so far this week we have had 6:45am, 7am,...
Lights! Action!...
After the delayed flight, I had one brisk Sunday evening in Lima. Unbelievably Hiroaka - because you expect a traditional Japanese...
Airport Blues
While I am stuck at the Buenos Aires airport for several hours, I may as well make a start on telling you what I have been doing in the...
Do Cry for Me in Argentina
Well what a week! My best laid plans all dashed to pieces. I am in complete and utter mourning, wandering the streets as if in some...
Mayhem with Food
Just a quick hello as I'm told the wifi tomorrow night isn't particularly great... I decided to go to the Botanical Gardens today. It was...
The Travelling Life's a Beach
I've had a bit of a lazier day today. Although I was convinced I had walked half the beach - turns out I went one-fifth: five posts, and...
When My Baby Smiles at Me...
What an assault on the senses Rio de Janeiro is! This must be one of the most beautiful looking cities in the world (and yet still the...
Rapa Nui Reflections
For some reason the internet is running very slowly tonight - so I apologise for the lack of photos. I daren't test it beyond a few words...
Super Pouty!
(Ah, the perils of foreign wifi! I've been trying to post this for over a day now...) Good news - my laptop has had its temperamental fit...