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Ever Upwards

Just a quick post as I need to get some sleep after a lot of walking and a fair few stairs climbed to see this lady who has, I would say, one of the best views of Santiago! Of course I rather like her modern weapon of choice in this shot... a mobile tower spear! I don't doubt there have been a few to pray to the Virgin Mary for better wifi reception... ;-) Oh, by the way - check out the South America photo album for the view - well a part of it, as the mountains circle the city in a spectacular fashion.

And one thing I love about the Chileans - they are dog people. I've seen so many walking their dogs around the city streets of an evening. And sure enough the stray dog population is large, but seemingly docile and content to mostly sunbathe. I took photos of two I encountered at the summit. The first is guarding the shrine of remembrance.

I'm writing this in the middle of the night in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) where it is now raining! Jet lag has me all over the place with sleeping at the moment (there is a two hour difference between Santiago and the Island). The internet seems a little slow - so I may have to wait and post more when I return to Santiago. Here's hoping the storms pass over, or you will all have wet moai to view!

Hasta la vista!

A. :D

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